Never think you’ve dodged a bullet Posted on Nancy's Point, a blog about breast cancer and loss My mom used to say, “Never ask if things could be worse, because they can.” So, in my cancer-world existence, I try to avoid even thinking about what could be worse (because metastatic breast cancer is worse, believe me). But I wish she’d advised me to never even think that I’ve dodged a bullet. I thought I’d dodged the lymphedema bullet. WRONG. I’m enduring another wonderful Cancer side effect (or effuck as my cancer siblings refer to it). First, let me say that I am not a doctor, or a lymphedema therapist, or an expert on it. So, if your hand, arm, breast, chest, or back on the cancer side of your body is swelling up, get to your doctor. It could be another medical condition if it is not lymphedema. I will admit that I didn’t really understand what it is, and I didn’...
Showing posts from March, 2021